
Side table or sculpture?

April 11, 2022
side tables
Side tables can instantly create a sculptural moment. When done intentionally, this design element can be the one piece that elevates the entire room.

Decorating with side tables is a great way to add character to a space. From the numerous shapes, textures, and color variations available, there is a style available for any room. You can marry the beauty of this piece with its functionality when they serve as a resting place for that cup of coffee. In other cases, when side tables don’t have a functional purpose, they can act as beautiful sculptures.

side table inspiration

I love to use side tables as a singular element that draws attention to a corner. Most of the time, I style them bare. But I often use side tables to showcase a vase with seasonal branches or small decorative elements. Below is an example of how I style this gorgeous wooden side table. When changing things around the house, consider styling your side tables with tall branches for an added vertical element that brings some drama to your scene.

When choosing your side table, consider the shape, color, and materiality when paired with the other pieces in your room. Round side tables can soften the scene next to a sectional’s sharp edges. Black side tables can help in bringing some contrast to the composition. And unusually shaped side tables can stand out and transform into beautiful sculptures.

side table inspiration
shop our latest side table crushes

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