
January is for Renovations

January 9, 2020
patchi cancado

January is the time for new beginnings, correct? Many will be making resolutions for hitting the gym more often. Maybe finally starting that lesson you always wanted. Or perhaps, trying to slow down or disconnect from your phone more often.

The new year often motivates us to change, and that is why January is the best month to finally start the renovations that you always dreamed off. Even though the idea of a room remodels seems daunting, I am here to let you know that it really doesn’t need to be. And January is your perfect excuse.

design services

I usually steer my new year’s resolution toward some kind of shelf-improvement change. However, 2020 resolutions seem to be shaping up a little different. This year I decided that my resolution is to help more clients in their own homes. We have many new exciting projects for 2020, from a house flip to bathroom remodels, and a few DIY in between. But I also want to invest my time in working with new clients like you and your home.

So, if you allow me, this is going to be the year you will fall in love with your house. What do you say? Are you ready to say yes to January? Click here so we can start this journey together.



And don’t forget to connect with us here. Come say hi!

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