How to Style with Simple Evergreen Arrangements
I love to make arrangements using clippings from my own backyard. Nothing really too fancy. Forget about the white roses or the gorgeous big blue hydrangea flowers. Because, well, they don’t have a home in my backyard. Being the maintenance freak that I am, my backyard is filled with mostly, you guessed right, evergreens. Kind of boring, I know, but between chauffeuring the kids around, trying to keep the house clean, etc, etc, gardening usually doesn’t make it to my to do list. Unless of course, I need therapy time because I do find gardening very therapeutic, don’t you?
Today, I am showing you how to style your home with evergreen arrangements. Dear Ligustrum, you are up first.
Ligustrums Arrangement
I love to put together this oversized arrangement using a simple, but big glass vase and lots of Ligustrum clippings. There are really no rules when making this arrangement. And the result is always quite stunning.
Japanese Yew Arrangement
I wanted to create a centerpiece for the dining room using Japanese Yew. So first, I made a whole on a plastic water bottle and used that as the holder for the Yew clippings. Then, I placed the bottle inside my wooden decorative item and voila, centerpiece complete! It’s simple, but just what I wanted for the space. It’s fun how you can transform an item you have in your house by simply adding some greenery to it.
Camellia Arrangement
Now, this plant does have beautiful pink flowers, but here, since they were not blooming, I used only the leaves to create the third of our evergreen arrangements. I really liked how the camellia looked when placed inside the round black vase. Do you know that emoji with two eyes in the shape of a heart? Well, you can insert it here. Simple, but beautiful.
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