
e-design Services

April 7, 2020
e-design services

What if I told you I have a magic pill for happier days inside your home, would you take it?

While I continue to think about ways I can show up and support you during these challenging and uncertain times, I decided to offer my e-design program to as many clients as I can at this time.

e-design services

That feeling of being stuck at home during quarantine can be overwhelming. I hear you. But what if you use this time to make a change in your home? What if you focus on that area of your home that feels so uninspiring to you right now?

Using my years of experience in redecorating spaces, I am here to help you make that change. Through my e-design program, I can help you transform your space right now. Yes, that is right. Through e-mails, facetime calls, and online shopping lists, you are just a click away from a new space. And I know you need this right now.

bedroom design
e-design services

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