
Door Hardware Update

November 18, 2019
door hardware

Sometimes we stall big projects. Sometimes we stall smaller projects. And sometimes our Halloween decoration stays up until mid-November. But I guess, when you can’t decide which project to tackle first, or when to remove your seasonal decor, the least overwhelming option is always the best option. I also believe that mixing dust, cement, and headache with pre-Christmas planning is for sure a recipe for disaster. So while we postpone our bathroom remodel at #casacancado, and while our big ghost still hangs outside, we are taking care of smaller deeds and doing a door hardware update.

door hardware update

I have been wanting to update our door hardware for quite some time. After installing the black faucet at the magnolia flip (read more about it here), I was drawn to the black matte look and wanted to implement it in my house somehow.

door hardware update

So, we chose the modern-looking door lever with a square rosette from Kwikset. Made of solid zinc construction these door levers are the exact look we wanted. However time-consuming it was to replace all the hardware from all the doors, the job was pretty easy.

door hardware update

The 3.5-inch black matte hinges we used to complement the levers are from Amazon. When replacing the hinges, we replaced them one at a time. This way, we didn’t need to remove the door from its frame, making the project way easier.

door hardware update

I recommend adding  “door hardware update” to your house renovation to-do list. It’s a great design detail in a home. And it comes without all the dust and headache that house renovations can bring sometimes.

Follow along here for more design tips.

Door Hardware Sources

Lever :: Hinges

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