DIY Artwork
Lately, I have been on a hunt for a few pieces to redecorate and revamp the main bedroom at #casacancado. And while the hunt has been fun, I also wanted to add something unique and custom made to the space to make it feel very personal. After I decided on all the items I wanted to use in the space I knew just what I wanted to create.

Don’t underestimate the power of a pretty DIY artwork. Especially when paired with just the right items. When creating this artwork I thought of ways it would work well in the room to allow a perfect dialogue between all the other objects.
Don’t underestimate the power of a pretty DIY artwork.

I am loving this quiet DIY artwork using burlap and black paint. The textural materiality of burlap added instant warmth and intimacy to this artwork. With a medium-size brush, I stroked both burlap pieces heavily. Without following any rules, I decided to cover most of one of the pieces in black while the second one is half-naked.

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