
Best Houseplant to Have in Your House – Design Tips

August 10, 2016

Do you have any plants around your house? Do you know how to care for such plants? Today I am sharing with you the best houseplant to have in your house.

best houseplant

I love to bring some greenery inside the house to spruce up the décor. But caring for a houseplant is not always easy. I have tried a few houseplants over the years, and I must say that the easiest one to care for is the gorgeous Mother-in-Law’s Tongue. These sword-shaped plants are one of the best houseplants for beginners. They require very little water. In fact, the biggest danger is overwatering them. The Mother-in-Law’s Tongue is excellent in a grouping and will provide striking displays in any room.

best houseplant

Caring for Mother-in-Law’s Tongue

Water: Let the soil dry between waterings. I water my plant only once-a-week. And during the winter, that can be reduced to once-a-month, or whenever the soil is dry to the touch.


They prefer bright light. So place your houseplant in a room that gets some sun or near a widow.


They will suffer if exposed to temperatures below 50ºF. So keep them inside throughout the whole year.


When I remember, I add some fertilizer during the Spring.

The beautiful Mother-in-Law’s Tongue planter is now part of our family. They have been on the same corner for 3 years now, and they feel right at home.

PS: to see more design tips follow us on IG.

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