
Quarantine Home Challenge – Day 8, 9 & 10

March 28, 2020
closet organization

Well, happy weekend friends. I hope you are adjusting well to your new routine during this health crisis time. I think it’s crucial to give yourself some time to adjust to this situation and cope with your emotions. And that is why this quarantine challenge has been a great exercise for me. Making these intentional changes, or focusing on these little achievements, has given me a sense of calm within the chaos.

Today’s challenge is pretty big, and that is why I am giving you two days to complete it. Are you ready for it? Well, today is the day you will gain control over your closet again because I am inviting you to DECLUTER YOUR CLOSET at once.

closet organization
closet organization

A couple of weeks ago I finished reading the book Project 333 by author Courtney Carver. The basic idea of this amazing book is the idea of simplicity and how by simplifying your closet you can actually simplify your life.

Do you think you could wear only 33 pieces of clothing during the next 3 months? If your answer is yes, woohoo! Go for it and let me know how it went! But if you think this is an impossible task, you can try changing the rules so it works with your lifestyle. Maybe 33 articles are not the right number for you. Or maybe the idea of changing your wardrobe every 3 months seems like too much work. One thing that the author stresses a lot in her book is that this is not supposed to be a negative challenge, so changing the rules and adapting them for your lifestyle can/should be done.

closet organization

So far, I am loving my new clutter-free closet. Here is how I have changed the rules to make them work for me. I have combined my Spring and Summer clothes together and plan on doing it longer then three months. I am still not sure what my right number is, but I know it is not 33. I will keep adjusting things as I go. But boy, oh boy. This has been an awesome transformation so far.

As it turns out, I always wear the same clothes anyway. However, now my closet only has my “good” clothes in it. So no matter what I choose to wear, I know it will work out. I can see exactly what my options are and I am always happy with them. And the best part is that I don’t feel like I need to buy anything. I hope to keep up with this new closet situation and I am inviting you to give it a try.

closet organization
closet organization

So, if you are ready to face this challenge you can do a full 333 project, or clear as much as you can, or simply get rid of 10 hangers. Let’s do this? Check-in here with a photo and I might send you a toilet paper as a reward.

closet organization

You can find Courtney Carver’s book Project 333 here. Give it a try! Simplicity is for me the best recipe for happiness.

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